Friday, October 9, 2015

The Dali

We visited The Dali Museum in St. Petersburg.  The building's architecture was pretty amazing!!

First, we saw the M.C. Escher exhibit.  The pieces were so intricate, and you could stare at some of the tesselations for a long time.  (No photography was allowed- so these are some of the pieces we saw taken from google images.)

Then we toured the permanent Salvador Dali collection.  One of the most interesting pieces was this one- when you first looked you could only see his wife in the middle.  Then, when you walked about 20 feet back you could see Abraham Lincon's face- such a cool trick! 

Photograph of Dali painting

His largest paintings were so eye catching, and full of things happening- these are few of our favorite ones.  

Next, we toured the grounds and walked around the art festival.  There was a bus that you could paint, painted cars, and lots of other artsy vendors.  

After that, we walked around downtown St. Petersburg.  The downtown area has recently been redone, and it had a ton of outside eating areas, and lots of restaurants and shops.

We stopped for ice cream and water, since it was a steamy day- you know the essentials!

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