Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Beaches & Turtles Weekend

Friday night we headed to Rincon, and stopped at some beaches before going to dinner.  First stop was the lighthouse kiosk to see what goods the seller had today.  We found a really cool sea turtle bamboo carving.  

Then, we headed to Domes beach, which is a popular surfing beach.  Jake had never been here before, so we walked around for a bit.  The last time KC was here there were signs saying this beach was for "locals only" and moving here doesn't make you a "local".  This stop the signs were all gone, and it was a nice change.

Tsunami sign
Domes beach
On the drive to Domes, we saw the sign for Steps beach.  So, on the way back we stopped there.  The parking was a little tighter here, but there were lots of snorkelers.  We saw a sign about this beach being part of the marina reserve, and after looking on TripAdvisor when we got home- we're coming back to snorkel here. 

 During dinner the people from La Cambija said May is the quietest month in Rincon, so we'll try to sneak more snorkeling in this month down here- when parking will be a little easier, and the beaches will be less crowded.  

Steps beach

View of the mountains from Steps beach

On Saturday we had plans to visit a coffee plantation.  Unfortunately, the refrigerator was really warm in the morning, so we had to stay around home so the refrigerator repair men could come.  Two different repair visits meant most of our day was spent waiting.

We tried to make the most of our time in between visits, so we went to our local fruit stand and got a pineapple, papaya, and homemade honey.  It was our first time trying papaya.

Don't try the seeds- not good!

The first refrigerator repair man came, and didn't seem to know what he was doing.  A few hours later the second guys dropped in, checked everything, and by the time they left the refrigerator was working again.

To salvage the rest of our day, we decided to walk down to Jobos beach.  We walked around the beach area, and went to Kai to have a drink and some appetizers.  

Our view

View from the other side

After, we walked from Jobos beach back to our place on Montones beach.  We stopped at the Pozo de Jacinto for a while, then walked along a path that leads from Jobos to Motones, but never quite was finished...  (They're working on completing this path now.)

Just didn't quite make it...

The other really cool thing we discovered on our beach is a sea turtle nesting area!!  Neither of us had ever seen anything like this before.  It's roped off, and you can see the area where the sea turtles laid their eggs, and then put sand over it.  We're planning to visit this area as often as possible!  We'll probably miss seeing the little sea turtles emerge, but can't wait to watch the process.

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