Tuesday, August 4, 2015

A Nail and a Tire Weekend

The roads were bad in Puerto Rico, and we were lucky to never have a serious car problem there.  So, last weekend we couldn't figure out why the low tire pressure signal came on in the car.   Then, Jake found a nail in one of the tires...

We drove around to a few shops, and found one that had an opening.  The car was dropped off, we walked to the Post Office, and grabbed lunch while waiting.  Thankful this didn't happen in Puerto Rico, and we were able to find someone to patch the tire relatively smoothly.
Jake found a nail in the tire & of course it was raining...

It has been raining here every day, so we haven't done much exploring, and have spent most of our time inside.  This kind of forced us to unpack, which was a good thing.  In between the showers we're able to spend a little time on the porch, but another storm is almost always looming.

We also got a "zoodler"- not sure if that is the technical name.  The fries we made turned out well, and so did the garlic zucchini zoodles.  Now, we're on the search for other recipes to try.

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