Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Rain, Rain Go Away!

It has rained in the Tampa area almost every day since we've moved here (21 days in a row).  On Monday, 4.93 inches of rain fell.  There's flooding and water everywhere!  

A typical view of rain from our porch

The clouds make some great sunsets!

Here's a picture of the pool we NEVER get to use!

This used to be a ditch- now it's a lake!

Even when there's a peek of sun, there's clouds rolling in!  Plus, an airplane.

Even when it rains- you have to stock the redbox..

We received our first shipment of mail from Puerto Rico.  Our P.O. Box was at a private company, so we'll have it sent to us once in a while.  Most of our mail has been transferred to our Clearwater P.O. Box.

It's official!  We live here now! :)

This weekend Jake went to bring the recycling down to the recycling room- and called KC a few minutes later.  The wind shut the door behind him, and he needed some help to get out...  After a few laughs, KC let him out!

We're happy to report as of Tuesday of this week- the sun is out!  Rain is still forecasted for this weekend, so we'll see what happens.

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