Friday, January 1, 2016

Minnesota Christmas Visit

Dreaming of a white Christmas, we left the 80 degrees sun and warmth of Tampa to head to Minnesota to visit family and friends.  It had been over a year since we'd been to Minnesota, so we were a little worried about having "thin blood".

Good bye sunshine!

Our flight encountered turbulence almost the entire way, but we arrived safely.  Stepping off the plane KC said, "I can see my breath."  So, yes- we were surprised at the change of temperature- even after living in Minnesota for most of our lives.  In the cities, there wasn't any snow, but a little further north there was a light sprinkling.  The days before Christmas, there was a wet snow/rain mix with a tiny bit of accumulation.

MN Day 1

MN Day 3

The weather was in the 20s and 30s during our visit.  December in Minnesota is typically colder than that, but it wasn't the cold that got us- it was the wind!

We waited for the weather to warm up a bit, before going into the trailer.  This means KC ended up wearing the same outfit for the first four days, because none of the other clothes she packed were warm enough. :)  Then, the washing of clothes that have been stored in a trailer for a year began...

Our trip was filled with time spent with family, and friends.  We bounced around from one place to the next, and made the most of the time we were in Minnesota.  It was hectic, but we got a lot in!  Unfortunately, we didn't get that many pictures-
Season's Play 2015

There wasn't a white Christmas, but a white day after Christmas (so close).  At the cabin, we had a few inches of snow.  It was pretty to look at, but not to scrape off, or drive in.

Jake did the brave task of searching for all the items we wanted from the trailer.  Some of the most important: warmer clothes, vacuum, swifter, pots and pans, and other kitchen utensils. All of the things we really wanted to bring with us were able to be squeezed into KC's car!

Our trip was filled with time spent with family, and friends.  It was great to catch up with many people, but there were still others we didn't get to see.   We'll see you next time!

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