Sunday, January 3, 2016

Road Trip from MN to FL

Day 1: Minneapolis, MN to Indianapolis, IN

We planned to drive KC's car back to Florida, but we didn't know it would be during the Winter Storm Goliath.  So, we ended up leaving a day earlier so we could avoid the snow and ice storm coming our way. 

After quickly packing up the cabin, we headed on our way a little after noon.  Jake had a surprise for KC so we stopped at his mom's house to say goodbye and grab it.  

Then we hit the road, and began the never ending drive...

The back seat filled with stuff

One of the places we didn't hit on our Minnesota restaurant list was the Vietnam Star.  This was Jake's surprise- his parents picked up an order of spring rolls for us!  So yummy!

Day 1
We debated between staying in Champaigne, IL or driving to Indianapolis.  The forecast of ice and freezing rain in Champaigne helped us decide to push on.  

Day 2: Indianapolis, IN to Atlanta, GA

Day two can be summed up in one word: RAIN.  It rained the entire day!  Sometimes light sprinkling, and other times a torrential downpour.  It was a wet, dreary day.  Jake was really tired of KC saying, "Slow down."  The traffic was a lot heavier with all the rain, and there were a few accidents.  We even saw a guy a few cars ahead of us (who didn't slow down in time) go into the ditch.  The ditches were so waterlogged at this point there was no way to get out.  

Thank goodness for the serial podcast!  Our plan was to listen to this podcast on the way to Florida.  Unfortunately, our phones weren't loud enough so we broke down and bought a speaker from Target. This was probably the best decision of our trip.  We listened to the first season on day two of our trip.

Waterfalls were all over from all the rain

Day 2

Day 3: Atlanta, GA to Clearwater, FL

Thankfully we were far enough south and out of the Winter Storm Goliath on day three.  Our drive was uneventful.  Traffic was a little heavier, and we saw a lot of snowbirds coming down in their RV's- this was probably one of the busiest weeks for snowbirds to head south right after Christmas.

Once again, podcasts made our drive go faster.   We caught up with season two of Serial, and then listened to episodes of This American Life (the producers of Serial).

Sunny drive

Day 3

Safely in FL

We made it to Florida, and we're still talking- success! ;)

KC's car in FL now!

The entire trek

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