Monday, February 9, 2015

Brian and Suzanne Visit: Part 1

Our friends Brian and Suzanne came to visit this past week- we were super excited to have them here!  Suzanne and KC spent the weekdays at the pool, beach, and bumming around Aguadilla and Isabela. The boys spent their weekdays working...  

Highlights from the Girl's Weekdays

-KC drove Jake's car for the first time.  All went well until she couldn't get the key out of the ignition.    Suzanne to the rescue!  Apparently, you need to push the key in while turning it to get it out.

-The girls made wonderful lunches, and enjoyed afternoon cocktails while soaking up the sun!

-Great conversations were had (KC probably talked too much, but she was excited to practice her English skills on someone!).

-Suzanne and KC walked to the Jobos Beach area and enjoyed an afternoon drink at Kai.  It was only about a 15 minute walk, so Jake has no more excuses not to walk down there anymore...

Wednesday afternoon by the pool

Thursday afternoon

Friday afternoon

Friday Night

Friday afternoon Brian and Suzanne moved from the hotel to our place.  The boys left work earlier, and we got ready, and headed down to Rincon.  In Rincon we ate dinner at a place called La Cambija.  Luckily, we got there early enough that we didn't have to wait.  We tried empanadillas for the first time, and all ordered fish tacos.  


After dinner, we went down to the beach to catch the sunset.  It was nice to relax and the sunset was beautiful!

Then, we went to the Rincon Beer Company.  KC knew the owners had moved here from the states because she had been Facebook stalking them...  We had drinks, and enjoyed hearing English in the bar.  When we were leaving, we saw the owner sitting outside, so KC went up and started talking to him.  We're trying to make friends, and this was a great opportunity!  His wife also came by, and we were able to chat with her too.  It's nice to meet people that you've been following online in person, and they were so nice to us!  We're going to take them up on their offer of helping us meet people.

Starfruit: tastes a little like key limes 

On the way home we experienced a "full circle" u-turn, and Brian managed to dodge a guy "driving" a motorized wheelchair on a 45 degree inclined hill, and narrowly missed a local selling flowers in the middle of the road.  It was a fun night!  

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