Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Recoup Weekend and Coco Frio

This was our relax and recoup weekend- after Brian and Suzanne's visit, Jake's travel week, and before KC's family comes on Tuesday.  We did all the boring, every day things we needed to do- grocery shopping, Home Depot trip, Walgreens, and other stores and then were able to relax a bit!

Saturday afternoon in the pool
Pizza from Sam's club for dinner

Here's the haul Jake brought back from Florida.  We each indulged in a pack of Sweethearts to celebrate Valentine's Day.  (They aren't like we remember them when we were kids, we're not fans of the new flavors.)

This came in the mail this week...  Well, we do live in Puerto Rico, but we don't think KC will ever be able to fill the role of being a Latina (maybe if she didn't have so many freckles)!  This magazine came for free, in addition to the regular one.  We got a good laugh about this! :)

After church on Sunday, we headed to the beach for a few hours.  It was nice to relax and enjoy a drink at the beach to unwind.  Beach days will never get old!

On the road near our complex, a man is usually there selling Coco Frio (Cold Coconut).  Friends had told us they buy coconuts for coconut water here, so we stopped and tried one.  Jake had the guy cut the top off, but not puncture it all the way, so he could do this later.

So, Sunday night Jake started the process of getting some coconut water from the coconut.

Cut the top off

Then, cut a hole in the top.
Get a jar, and tip the coconut over.
Be careful, some water was spilled here...
This is how much coconut water we got out! 

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