Monday, February 2, 2015

First Weekend Back

Our first weekend back in Puerto Rico was filled with the everyday things you don't usually think about when you think of living on an island.

The screen guy came and Jake helped him install our screen door.  Then, Jake took it off the track, and tried to figure out the best way to make it fit.  It's not an exact fit because the screen guy would have had to break the tiles on the floor to make that work.  There's a gap Jake's working to fix on one side.  But, the breeze we get through that door is wonderful!


We shirked grocery shopping last week when we got back.  So, we bit the bullet this weekend.  We went to Home Depot (for materials for the screen door), Kmart (for measuring cups and vinegar), Sam's Club,  Freshmart, and Econo (for groceries).  Look for a post soon about finding food in Puerto Rico.
Sam's Club cart

After all the shopping we had to reorganize our cupboards.  The items from the owner that we don't use were taking up some of our cupboard space.  So, KC moved things around to make our space work better for us.  Now we have to remember where everything is!

Paseo Lineal 

There's a great running/walking/biking path near us called the Paseo Lineal.  We spent a few hours on Sunday walking it, and enjoying the views.  One of Jake's coworkers drove by and stopped to say hi.  It's so nice to run into someone we know in Puerto Rico, because it doesn't happen that often! ;)

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