Saturday, January 3, 2015

One Month In!

We've been in Puerto Rico for one month today.  We've learned a lot, experienced a lot, and changed a lot!

-We're adjusting to "island time".  For two Type A personalities, this is a big adjustment.  Our expectations for our days have changed, and we're learning to go with the flow more.  (We both still have room to improve...)

-Shopping here is dramatically different from the states.  Since there are so many people on a small island, there are people everywhere.  Stores are very busy, and parking is scarce.  The stuff we find here is different than what we're used to, so we're doing what we can with what we find.  (Amazon Prime is a lifesaver!)

-Drivers in Puerto Rico are much more aggressive.  You need to be offensive, and learn the rules of the road.  Also, roads here are smaller, so you need to maneuver around tight areas!

-The people overall have been very welcoming and kind.  They try to communicate with our "Spanglish", and most do their best to help us.  We're thankful for the people we've met from the states, and the Puerto Ricans who have made us feel comfortable here.  Spanish is something we'll continue to improve upon to communicate more effectively.

-We've also learned that stuff is just stuff.  We only need so much, and most of what we had wasn't essential.  Our motto for 2015 is "Things don't make you happy."  The process of moving taught us to be content with what we have.

-The WEATHER is such a change from Minnesota.  (Sorry Minnesotans, we know you are bracing for a cold week!)  It is between 80-85 degrees every day here.  Since we live near the water, it is always warm.  We went from having four distinct seasons- to one...  Much of our clothes were overkill, and many are going back to Minnesota soon!

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