Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Rain, Rain Go Away

On Saturday afternoon we went to the beach, and the waves were so much larger than usual!  We also saw big storm clouds behind us.  This storm looked like more than just a passing shower, so we packed up and headed home.

It rained, and rained, and rained all evening.  Then Jake decided to check to to see if any rain was leaking in.  Well, it was...  The guest room had the most water in it.  We had to move the furniture, and wipe up the water on the floor.  Jake put a small container down to catch any more rain that found its way in.  This was not how we expected to spend part of our evening.  

Guest room
Guest room furniture

The main bedroom had a little water in it, and Jake's bathroom had some too.  We texted the landlord, and she said that's not normal, and she's going to have someone fix it soon.  We're thankful she has been so helpful and responsive with everything!

So, island life comes with some minor inconveniences.  Hopefully this will make all our Minnesota people feel better about the bitter cold temperatures they've been dealing with!

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