Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Visitor and Gozalandia Waterfall

Anne Marie (KC's sister) came to visit over her spring break.  We picked her up in San Juan, toured Old San Juan, and then drove to Isabela.  We spent some time at the beach and on the Paseo Lineal her first day here.  Then, we spent most of her second day at the beach.

KC spent most of the day in the shade, except for when we went in the water.  Anne Marie wanted to get some color, and stayed in the sun.  She wouldn't put sunscreen on, and got a LOT more color than she bargained for.  (And that color was RED!)  During the night and the following days she was in a lot of pain, and we stayed inside.  We did our best to help her soothe her burn.  But, she never wants to go in the sun again!  She did learn a lesson though...

We stayed out of the sun, but still managed to have a little fun.  During the days we watched some TV, and she even convinced us to watch a scary movie one night.  We took her to Tuluum, El Carey Cafe, and Ola Lola's.  She had the best burger of her life at Ola Lola's.  (At least there was one bright spot on the trip for her!)

Outside of Tuluum

El Carey

This girl didn't like getting her picture taken, so we didn't get many of her!

On Saturday, we drove to San Sebastian to see the Gozalandia Waterfall.  After driving through many small windy roads we found the spot.  There were a lot of people there.  We hiked for about five minutes to the first waterfall.  The rocks were slippery, but we went down to the first waterfall.  

It was fun to wade in the water.  Some people had coolers, and were spending the whole day out there.  A few crazy people were climbing up to the top, and jumping in.  The guys cleared the bottom rocks, and were fine.  Both girls we watch jump were very hesitant, and barely cleared the rocks.

Here's the view of the first waterfall.

Next, we hiked up to the second waterfall.  There weren't as many people here, but there was a rope swing!  We watched several guys grab the rope swing and record their swinging skills with their GoPro cameras.

Rope swing

 Anne Marie's flight was supposed to leave out of the Aguadilla airport at 1:55 a.m. on Sunday, but it was delayed by an hour.  So, we spent most of Sunday recovering from our late night here...

 We don't think Anne Marie will be back, as she never wants to go out in the sun again! ;)

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