Friday, March 13, 2015

KC's Family: Domes, Jobos and Pozo de Jacinto

Which honey would you choose?  The honey on the right is from Freshmart, and the honey on the left is from the local fruit/veggie guy.  KC's dad picked it up, and left it with us.  It's actually pretty good, and there's no trace of rum in it! ;)

Monday, February 23rd

Monday started out looking for Wishing Well.  Someone had told us this was a great place to go snorkelling.  So, KC's dad asked for directions from the rental place, but we never ended up finding it...  We had a nice walk along the shore line though...

Since we didn't find Wishing Well, we decided to drive to Rincon.  We stopped and picked up lunch- pinchos, and shark tacos.  KC was a little leery of the shark, but it was pretty good.

The first beach we stopped at in Rincon was a bust as Matthew had been thrown on shore with his boogie board and hurt his shoulder.  So, we went to Domes beach.   KC's mom, Julie and Matthew stayed at Domes, and KC and her dad went to the Rincon lighthouse.  (He needed to stay out of the sand because of his accident the previous day.)

PSA at Domes

Matthew chillaxing

Next, we went to Jobos beach, and Julie and KC climbed up to the Pozo de Jacinto to watch the water spray through.

After that, we whipped up some guacamole and went to the beach near our place.  We probably should have spent the whole day here because it was the best beach for Matthew to get some use out of his boogie board.  KC's mom and Matthew enjoyed the water for a bit, and we took in a sunset.  Then we headed to Ola Lola's for their famous peanut butter burgers (they're good!) and other choices.

We hope KC's family enjoyed their time here- even after experiencing some island inconveniences.  At least we know they enjoyed the break from the freezing cold Minnesota weather (it was below zero while they were here!).

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