Friday, March 13, 2015

KC's Family: Beach Day and Accident

Sunday, February 22nd 

We started the day off with a Spanish church service.  It went well, until the end- when the priest started on a 10 minute talk- that no one understood...  Oh, how we wish we were fluent in Spanish- our life would be so much easier!

On the way home we stopped a grabbed a Coco Frio.  No one really seemed to like it, and Jake finished it.  So, it was a good thing we only got one.

Bike parade on the way home

Then, we had brunch at the El Carey Cafe.  We had heard good things about this place, but hadn't been there yet.  Their breakfast was great!  KC had pancakes and eggs, and Jake had french toast.  Everyone enjoyed their meal, and many thought this was their favorite meal of the trip!

After that, we got ready and headed to the beach.  Everyone enjoyed playing in the water, but I think Matthew had the best time!  

Next, KC's dad thought it would be a good idea to climb the rock structure near the beach...  It didn't turn out so well for him...  He was following two surfers who jumped off the rock structure to enjoy the waves.  But, KC's dad went farther than them all the way to the end of the structure.  The waves were high at this point, and one of them knocked him over.  He was able to get up, and find both of his sandals!  Then he held on to the rock structure while a few more waves came crashing all the way over the top of him!

People watching KC's dad

Getting up after the fall

Walking back

KC's mom went over to see if he was alright.  They climbed on the rock structure so everyone assumed he was fine.  But, then he walked all the way over to where we were in the water, so we knew something was up...

When he got back to the tent, we saw his battle wounds.  He fought a good fight, but the coral won this battle!  Luckily, this happened near the end of the trip, and not the beginning.

When we got back to our place, KC cleaned him up, and sent him home with some supplies to do it again later that night.  After that, we grilled steak, pork chops, and potatoes and played games.

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