Monday, March 9, 2015

Our Weekend

Friday night we headed down to Rincon for dinner and a sunset.  We stopped at one of our favorite places La Cambija for dinner.  We thought we would have fish, but they had a special on ribs.  We hadn't had ribs since moving to Puerto Rico, so KC convinced Jake to switch.  As an appetizer we enjoyed a mahi mahi skewer, so we did get some fish.  The ribs, potatoes, and coleslaw hit the spot!

Then, we went to the beach to take in the sunset.  It was a little cloudy, but still fun.  

We had laughs watching the pelicans dive bomb into the water to get their food.  They just kept going one after another.  Of course, it was hard to video it, but here's one.

On the way home we decided to stop at Sam's Club since we were already close.   Friday night is a wonderful time to go to Sam's Club.  There weren't many people there, and it went fast.  This might become part of our routine twice a month.  It's nice to have Saturday and Sunday open!

Saturday we had lunch down at the beach.  It was really quiet, and peaceful.  Then, we spent the rest of the day at the pool.

Sunday we decided to have a beach day!  We set up the tent and chairs and settled in for a relaxing day.  There were a ton of people there!  Sunday is usually a busy beach day, but we've never seen our beach this busy before.

We spent some time in the water, and some time relaxing in the sun and our shade tent.  To end our day we chilled on the balcony, and got ready for Jake to start the work week.  It was a relaxing weekend!

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