Thursday, June 25, 2015

Feliz Cumpleanos Jake!

Tuesday was Jake's birthday- and the celebration started off at work.  His coworkers bought him a cake, and then surprised him in the cafeteria with it.  They sang the Happy Birthday song to him in Spanish, and then we enjoyed the cafe for a few minutes.

Tuesday was also our last day at work in Puerto Rico.  We said a lot of goodbyes, and packed up our stuff.

After we got home from work we had our final walk through, and headed to the Eclipse for dinner.  The Eclipse is in the Villa Montana Resort which is about 5 minutes away, and right on the water.

Pool area near the restaurant

View from the Eclipse

The food is delicious here!  Everything we've had has been wonderful.  We were happy that this was our last meal in the Isabela area! :)

Chicken pincho on tostones for an appetiser

Pork medallions with the best rice ever!

An extra side of rice, because it's that good!


When we got home, Jake opened his presents (most of which were coupons for things he can buy in Florida) and we had the teeny tiny piece of birthday cake we bought from the cafeteria.

Happy Birthday!

Jake shares his birthday with the Night of San Juan.  Tradition says to walk backward into the ocean and fall backward into the water at midnight.  So, there were a lot of people out celebrating with blaring music, and car honking long into the night...

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