Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Price of Subway

This story begins way back in March.  Jake went to Subway for lunch the Thursday before KC started at Honeywell.  Subway is a few blocks away from work.  He didn't want to go through the drive through because he didn't want to try to order in English.  It's easier to go inside, and point to what you want.

As he was trying to find a parking spot, Jake avoided a few that looked vulnerable to being hit by people passing in and out.  He found one near the drive through and he pulled in and started to back up.  Little did he know there was a two foot high cement wall waiting for him...

The damage...
Our friend at work suggested someone to paint the bumper. We had to drive up a long windy, windy road to find the auto repair place.  When we got there, our friend helped us communicate because the owner didn't speak English.  We got this rental car, and dropped off our car on a Sunday night.

Rental car

Driving home from the rental place - damage still visible

After work, we went to pick the car up.  Between hand signals, cash being exchanged, and "gracias" the deal was done.  We drove the car home, as good as new.

As good as new

Can't even tell it was painted

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