Monday, June 15, 2015

La Cueva del Indio Weekend

On Saturday we started off our day with a trip to the San Antonio post office.  There was only person in line before us, and the postal worker spoke perfect English, and was so nice and helpful.  This experience is the best experience we've ever had at a post office! (Which is good, because we're going to have to make a few more stops to ship our boxes...)

A few custom boxes from UPS

After that, we went to La Cueva del Indio in Arecibo (this was on our bucket list to do before we left).  It was a warm sunny day, and perfect for a little exploring. 

Jake taking a little rest before walking in the hot sun.

After you climb up on the rock structure, you see this view!  Pretty amazing!  

Then, you climb this ladder to get into the cave.  There were several people coming up from the cave, so we waited a few minutes- and took in the beautiful water view.

Mouth of the cave

We climbed around inside the cave for a while.  There was a small stream running through it, and lots of taller rock structures.  We also saw some Taino petroglyphs.


Crab in the cave

The ladder to get in or out of the cave...

After exploring the cave, we walked up a different side of the rock structure.  The view was just as good looking the other way!   You can really appreciate the strength of the water, when you're this close to it.

View looking the other way

This little guy was trying to hitchhike with us.

On the way back, we stopped at this gorgeous beach on the side of the road.  You can even see the Arecibo Lighthouse from the beach.

Arecibo Lighthouse

 Sunday was spent packing, packing, and more packing.  At the end of the of the day, we spent a few hours down at the beach.

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