Thursday, June 18, 2015


Chick-O-Sticks: They are apparently made in Texas, but I've never seen them in Minnesota.   So, they're a new experience for us here in Puerto Rico.  They taste a little like butterfingers without the chocolate.  

Limbers: We were introduced to limbers from Jake's work group.   It's like a Puerto Rican Icee.  You pick the flavor, and then eat it while it thaws.  Supposedly, Charles Lindberg flew to Puerto Rico and had one, and liked it so much they named them after him.

A funeral procession: When you see funeral processions here, they usually start with a truck that has a huge speaker in the back/on top of it playing loud music.  Then, the hearse follows with a ton of flowers on top of it.  You'll also see a police officer or two, and a long stream of mourners processing behind them.

Sangriiia pouches: These are everywhere in Puerto Rico.  On the beach, at the gas stations, at parties- so we tried one...  Ugh, we're not fans.  It tastes like grape juice gone bad...

Horses: Just a typical mode of transportation.  A couple times a week while driving we'll run into people riding horses on the road.  This wouldn't be so weird, except the roads are so narrow, and windy that you feel bad passing the horses since they're so close.

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