Monday, January 26, 2015

Florida Food

If you live in the contiguous United States, you can skip this post- it will be of no interest to you.   In fact, this post is probably only for us when we read this blog printed out as a book ten years from now...   We're going back to Puerto Rico a couple of pounds heavier because we were so happy to  frequent the places we don't have access to there.  

We did try many local places while in Florida too.  But, here are some of the food chains/types of foods we enjoyed indulging in! :)

Olive Garden



We've wished for DQ so many times with the heat and humidity! 

(Not pictured: Panera, Jimmy John's, Thai, Chinese, Pho, spring rolls, and Diet Mountain Dew)

Now, let the home cooking and the healthy eating commence!

1 comment:

  1. The food thing is pretty amazing isn’t it. The funny thing is all the places you mentioned have marginal food. It’s not like your being food snobs at all. Why is the food in Puerto Rico so bad? It’s very hard to find something good there and if you do it will cost an arm and a leg. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could go hiking, diving, caving, or whatever and then have a nice dinner with friends afterwards. Our best bet was Martins BBQ and El Messon!

    I remember my first “dinner” with Tom after a hard day of caving on Saturday late afternoon. The only thing we could find open on 129 was this hole in the wall on the side of the road. I was lucky and got the last day old chicken leg from under the heat lamp where as Tom had to have the pig stomach soup. I kid you not see the second to last paragraph of this blog post

    You just have to suck it up and eat that stuff for your time there knowing every time you travel or when you come back you will have nice things to eat. Too bad you can’t get any good green veggies at the store either, rubber broccoli and brown brusselsprouts. It’s part of the “Paradise Tax”.
