Friday, March 6, 2015

Rooftop Repairs: A Month Long Process

February 1st

When we went up to the rooftop the weekend after we got back from Florida the tiles looked like this.  We're guessing water made the tiles start buckling.

February 3rd

By 10:00 Tuesday morning this was the view.

This is what the rooftop looked like Tuesday evening.

Then, they had to order tile and get everything ready.

February 11th

Two guys came a little before 8:00 a.m. to work on the roof, so KC knew they were going to get a lot done.  We spent the morning playing a game of open the door, and shut the door.  The workers would open our front door and the rooftop door, and not shut them.  So, KC would get up and shut the doors.  This game went on for most of the day.

Around 9:30 KC kept hearing crashing noises, and couldn't figure out why.  So, she looked out the window and saw this...

They were throwing the tiles off the rooftop onto the "jungle area" next to our complex!!!  KC couldn't really believe this was happening, but it lasted for a long time...  She captured this video.

KC will never feel bad for not recycling in Puerto Rico like we did in the states- after seeing this!!  She couldn't really believe this was happening, and it was hard to process that this is acceptable here.  KC thought someone was going to get in trouble, and didn't want it to be her!  Jake was in Florida, so he was sent many videos and pictures while this was going on.

At the end of the afternoon all the tiles, and dust and debris
Tiles at the end of the day

 This is the dust from ONE room.  During the beginning of the day, the windows were open and from playing the door game-EVERYTHING was covered in dust.  KC spent much of the evening and the following day dusting and sweeping.

Dust from the living room
We had guests come for two weeks in February, so we asked to wait until after they were gone to complete the project.

March 2nd
The main tile guy came back, and worked all day to finish the job.  This is what it looked like at the end of the day.  We're happy to be able to use our rooftop again!


  1. Even after living there for 7 years I would still also be shocked by that even though I have seen it so many times before. It’s just unacceptable. I was reminiscing yesterday and feeling jealous of my friends there who had a successful cave dive yesterday in Camuy. My caving here in NM is not going well so I cave vicariously through my friends in Puerto Rico but your post and this post
    More than remind me why we left. It could have been so nice.

    When I first moved to my new house in Moca the garbage truck was coming up the street. A garbage bag fell of the full truck. It stopped of all things but, they didn’t put the bag back on the truck they threw it over the guardrail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Too funny/disgusting. Brings back memories. Even if they put all the crap in a truck they would have dumped it on the side of the road anyway. Did they leave chicken bones and trash all over the work site? We had some guys tile a bathroom. Despite a garbage can they left crap all over on the first day until I said something and made them clean up. They put tile in and I saw it was every so slightly but most definitely crooked and not thought out - whole tiles on the left and when you got to the right little slivers of tile that looked ridiculous . I told them they had to take them out and they wanted to leave. Sorry, it would be cemented crooked in place so I had them take them out (only about 15 tiles, wash the cement stuff off of them and I showed them how to lay it down the next day to maximize whole tiles and have 1/2 tiles on the edges. Couldn't believe it. By the way, the usual work day is 7 or 7:30 am (time starts at the panaderia and then they eat it at your place until 8 or 8:30) and then they leave at 1 or 2. This is so classic! It'll be even more funny once you are out!

  3. We checked out the blog post you recommended Jeff, and it made us laugh! We can imagine that happening here... And, your garbage truck story- ugh... We're happy we decided to rent and our landlord has helped us with any issues we've had. I keep saying we'll look back at all these experiences in 10 years, and laugh! Katrina- we still need to figure out where Area 51 is for some fresh food!
