Thursday, April 9, 2015

Easter Weekend

We had a relaxing Easter Saturday and Sunday after coming back from Ponce.  We spent time at the beach (surprise, surprise- our new normal), cleaned, and relaxed.  Our complex, and beach were filled with people!  People everywhere- in the pool, walking around the complex, at the beach.  On a typical weekend our complex is about 25% occupied, and the beach might have 10-20 other people on it.  

We had noticed the number of people at the beach increasing over the last few weeks due to spring break, and weddings at the vacation rentals nearby.  But, Easter weekend was insane!  We knew we were in trouble when driving back from Ponce, as Jobos beach was overflowing with people and cars.  Our beach was packed!  It's clear that people celebrate Easter at the beach here! 

Typical weekend beach view

Easter weekend craziness!

Jake surprised KC with an "egg shaped" surprise- a spaghetti squash!  They're so expensive here we don't eat them often, but we loved it.  Also, we made a new chicken/potato/cheese recipe for Easter dinner which turned out well.  

Easter dinner

Our Easter was completed two days later when KC found a leftover Easter egg from a hunt our neighbors had.  Sadly, the candy inside had already melted- and the kids must not have looked too hard, because it was sitting right on the shrub.

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