Thursday, April 23, 2015

Honeywell Happenings

Candy Day
This week KC's group had a "throw back" candy day.  People brought in candy they liked when they were kids.  There was an assortment of the typical candy you think of: mary janes, smarties, sugar daddies, etc.  But, there was also some candy we had never seen before (even though some were made in the states!).

KC went "trick or treating" around her team member's cubes, and brought home some samples to try that night.  Two of the pieces (middle piece, and the bottom) were typical Puerto Rican candies.  The middle piece was a guava paste candy.  It had an interesting consistency- a little mushy, kind of like jello.  We didn't finish that piece.  The bottom piece had a coconut flavor and reminded us of a hard taffy.  Jake liked that piece of candy.

It was fun to experience some new treats, and enjoy our childhood favorites!

Blushing KC 
During one of KC's group meetings everyone started talking in Spanish.  It went on for a few minutes, and then her boss remembered she doesn't speak Spanish.  She apologized, and switched back to English.  KC said, " No problem, I just zoned out for a little bit."  They all laughed and she blushed with embarrassment (which is a pretty common thing when you're as white as KC).

That afternoon, one of her co-workers said something funny, and her face turned red again.  He pointed it out, and said, "Your face is getting red again.  You should see it.  Just like in the meeting this morning."  She said, "Yep, that's a common occurance for me, and you'll see it a lot.

Now, it has become their running joke.  He says he can't turn red, because he'd turn purple! ;)

Take Your Kids to Work Day
Today was Take Your Kids to Work Day- and in Puerto Rico they really celebrate that day!  We must have received 20 emails about this event.  The kids showed up in the morning with their parents, but the event started at 8:00, so it wasn't too disruptive in the morning.

Around 10:30 KC went into the bathroom, and there were two adults and ten girls in the bathroom.  While she was waiting for the first group to clear out, another group came in.  After washing her hands KC saw a little girl standing by the counter holding her hand out for the soap (which she couldn't reach).  KC asked if she wanted her to lift her up to get soap, and the little girl didn't say anything.  She asked again, got no response, and just lifted her up so she could reach the soap.

During the lunch hour it became really noisy with kids everywhere.  (There were 200 kids there.)  While walking, she ran into two boys pulling on a pop-up safety cone mounted on the wall.  She told them, "No.  No, no, no, no."  No is a universal word- right? ;)  They continued touching it, and she had to say it again.  This day really brought her back to her teaching days!!

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