Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Our Weekend

On Saturday we hit up the Ramey Air Force Base Museum.  It's a one room museum near the airport filled with pictures and artifacts.  We learned a lot about what happened on the base, where it got it's name, and saw some old photographs of areas we've visited.

Practice runs from PR to prepare for the dropping of the atomic bomb

The Marriott where we have stayed on our visits here, was the Base's Hospital.



Crashboat Beach was named after these boats.





For lunch, we headed to Palma's Cafe.  Jake raves about this place, and KC had never eaten there before.  Jake had wahoo and mashed potatoes, and KC had chicken and rice and beans. 

Jake swears he never sees these signs anywhere, but admitted he saw this one in the bathroom.  So, KC had to snap a picture to document.  These signs are in many bathrooms in Puerto Rico.  It makes us thankful for the great plumbing systems we grew up with. :)

We also stopped at the Indian Head on Highway 2 when you first hit Isabela.  We have driven by it many times, and never stopped to take a picture.  Mission accomplished!

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