Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Our Weekend

Our weekend started with a change of plans.  We were planning to head to Rincon for dinner, but the dark ominous clouds (and radar) told us it was going to be raining there for a while...

So, we stopped at the Post and Shop to grab our mail.  There was a surprise Easter package from KC's parents along with our stack of mail.  KC opened it up, and saw it was full of treats!  Thanks KC's Mom and Dad for thinking of us- we appreciate it! :)  Candy here is so expensive- $6.99 for a bag of Cadbury eggs, and the Peeps in Puerto Rico seem to be the ones which didn't pass quality control...  So, KC was especially happy to get some Peeps!

Our box of goodies

Our Chinese food was good, and the order was huge!  We were able to get two meals out of it, and still have some left.  KC grew up having Chinese food almost every Sunday, and we hadn't had it in four months.  We enjoyed this indulgence- now we still need to find a place that makes spring rolls!

There was a Kite Surfing Challenge on our beach this weekend.  Their music, announcements, and air horn could be heard from our place.  We headed down to the beach, and there were a lot of people there (not as many as Easter weekend), but more than usual.  Medalla (Puerto Rican beer) had set up umbrellas and tents around the beach, and there were lots of advertisement banners around.  

We sat on the beach and watched the competition for a few hours.  It was interesting to watch, but we didn't really know what the competition guidelines were since it was in Spanish.  The waves weren't as large as normal, so the jumps weren't as big as what we normally see when people are kite surfing out there.

Medalla umbrellas and tents
Some of the kites
Announcer's podium / stage at night

Saturday night we cleaned up, and headed to Villa del Mar Hau for their concert.  It was supposed to start at eight, but our work friends texted and said they'd make it around nine.  We went to check it out around eight, and there weren't many people there.  When our friends made it there were more people there, and we had to go through the security guards to find the concert.

When we actually found the concert area, it was on the beach!  We could have walked there from our house.  Once we found our friends we ended up walking back again to get towels for them.  No one knew the concert was on the beach, so many people weren't prepared.  We went back- grabbed our chairs, some towels, and a cooler with refreshments and walked back.  

The first act was a salsa band called Orquesta el Macabeo.  Here's a video of them.

The second act was Dreadless (Reggae Tribute Band).   They played a lot of the typical Reggae songs and most of them were in English which we appreciated!

After listening to Dreadless for an hour, we were starting to feel the effects of a long day in the sun and wind, so we headed home.  

We spent Sunday relaxing and preparing for the week ahead.  It felt good to unwind a little around our place before heading back to work.  

Burgers and potatoes for dinner

1 comment:

  1. did you get french fries with your chinese food? always a surprise...
