Friday, December 5, 2014

Airplanes, Shiny Shoes, and Santa!

December 3rd started bright and early when Jake's dad picked us up at the cabin to bring us to the airport.  Thank you, Honey!

We learned it's important to weigh your suitcases before you don't have any options left at the airport...  At that point, you just pay a lot of extra money to bring it with you! :)

During our layover in Philadelphia, we ate lunch and took pictures with a liberty bell in the airport- since neither of us had been to Philly before.  It was raining instead of snowing, so we knew we were headed in the right direction!

Jake really wanted to get his shoes shined to clean off the remnants of Minnesota weather.   His wish was granted!

Speaking of wishes...we even were able to fit in a quick visit with Santa.  Santa was quick to tout his lack of flight delays with his trusty sleigh; the 21st century has gone a long way towards improving performance and reliability!  However, we loved the pre-21st century Polaroid picture, and it brought back childhood memories!

2014 Christmas Picture

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