Thursday, December 11, 2014

Jake's First Day and Air Conditioning

Jake’s first day of work was Monday the 8th. We took pictures to commemorate the day!  They remind us of all the “first day of school” pictures you see in September.  (Especially because it looks like he’s wearing a uniform from our old Catholic school days!)  This outfit required the least amount of ironing...

First Day of Work

Heading Out

KC spent her first day at home putting our purchases from the day before away, and cleaning the place up a bit.  She also snuck in some reading on the balcony.

Our air conditioning unit was also fixed this morning!  We enjoyed the relief, and getting the humidity out of the house!  KC had a good conversation with the air conditioning guy.  He's studying English at the University, and told her about the history of the island, and some places to check out.

Air conditioning fixed!

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