Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Electricity is Optional

Our power went out around 2:30 Saturday morning.  We both woke up because the noise from the air conditioning unit, and fan turned off.   "It'll come back on soon.  These outages don't last very long," said Jake.  So, we tried to go back to sleep, but the room became stuffy quickly.  Neither of us slept very well the rest of the night, which made us both a little crabby during the day.

When we woke up, the power was still out.  We sat on the balcony for most of the morning since there was a strong breeze out there.  Jake said he was sure the power would be on by noon.

After noon, we resigned ourself to that fact that this outage might be longer than we thought.  Deciding to make the best of it, we packed a lunch and brought it to the beach.  At this point, Jake was predicting the power would return at 2:30.

Our picnic spot

We're still amazed that this view is right outside our gate! It's truly amazing, and we want to continue appreciating it!  We might have a new favorite way to enjoy our weekend lunches!  The waves almost got us a few times, but we managed to save all our items, and moved farther back.  It was a relaxing lunch.

Once we got back home we called the realtor (who lives in our complex), and she said there was a car accident on the main road that caused the power outage.  So, we bit the bullet- and showered without hot water!  Jake does this on a normal basis now, but it was cold for KC.

Next, we went grocery shopping.  1. Because we needed too and 2. Because we wanted to bathe in their air conditioning!  We laughed when we saw the carts littered all over the parking lot- just what we wanted to see the first time shopping with our new car...  The grocery store felt a little more familiar this time, and we got all the food we needed while basking in their air conditioning!

Carts, carts everywhere
When we returned around 4:30 the power was back on.  After putting the groceries away (and cleaning up a broken bottle of spaghetti sauce- we need more counter space!) we took another walk on the beach.   This beach feels almost deserted most of the time, and we're loving spending time there!

 Next, we hopped in the car to have dinner at Ola Lola's Garden Bar.  The owners are from Michigan, and have lived in Puerto Rico for eight years.  Everyone there was speaking English, and we soaked it in!  The owners welcome us to the 'hood, and said when the power goes out you discover you don't really need it.  We had a great day without power, so we might agree with him...

Ola Lola's Garden Bar

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