Monday, December 15, 2014

Our New Wheels

We had an extremely busy Friday!  The morning started with us noticing water dripping down the walls under the air conditioner in the kitchen.  Water had run down the walls, and under the kitchen table.  So, a call was made to set up a another service appointment for this air conditioner, yes- the air conditioner that had already been serviced this week...  We hope it's something easy to fix!  Jake worked from home all morning after dealing with the air conditioning/water mess.

After lunch we decided to go car shopping again.  This time we drove to Mayaguez so we could go to a larger dealership.  Mayazguez is about 45 minutes away.  While we were driving we saw this ambulance cut through the middle of traffic.  Hopefully he got where he was going in time!

When we arrived at the dealership we were greeted by someone who spoke English.  This made the task of buying a car much easier!  The salesman showed us a few different cars, we test drove, and Jake found a car he wanted.  We went inside with the salesman who pulled out all his "salesman tactics", even pulling his manager into the deal.  A mysterious price that hadn't been on the paper before we talked was now on the paper... We held our ground, and got the price we wanted.

Then, the waiting began.  While you're car shopping many dealerships make the experience more memorable by playing (blasting) music from big speakers propped up in trucks.  These speakers are fairly common in Puerto Rico whether they're being used for music or political ads.  We're getting used to driving down the road and hearing one or two.

We waited for over an hour.  This was one of those times when we remembered to bring water and a snack, which helped while we waited.  Jake's work group was having a dinner that night, so we wanted to get back home as soon as possible.

Trying to look happy while waiting...

When we were taken back to finish paperwork, the "finance guy" told us many orders came in at once and apologized for the wait.  While going over car protection plans he said, "This plan will protect your upholstery if you spill red wine".  Umm...  We laughed at that comment, to which he replied, "They probably don't do that back home do they?"   So, we decided we didn't need that coverage.  It was a reminder to always be alert while driving in Puerto Rico!

Jake drove the new car home, and KC had the experience of driving the rental car in Puerto Rico for the first time in the dark and pouring rain!  The drive took about an hour, and both cars made it safely to Aguadilla where we returned the rental car, and went out to dinner with Jake's work group.

Faking confidence

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