Saturday, December 20, 2014

Screens & Sam's Club

Jake's first full day of vacation was Friday.  The screen guy came this morning (with a friend who spoke English) and installed our screens!  During this process, Jake opened the balcony door, and a tiny "lizard" (gecko) was in the house...  When he asked for a shoe KC knew something was in the house!  The screen guys said not to kill it.  He picked it up, and threw it over the railing.  KC hopes that's the last one that makes it way into our house, but is starting to realize that's a futile hope...

Back to the screens- all the windows now have screens!  We're looking forward to opening windows, and letting the breeze cool off our place.  The balcony (patio) door was a little harder to figure out.  So, the screen guy will be making the screen door and delivering it within a week (mas o menos).

After, we packed some water and headed out to Mayaguez.  We wanted to go to Home Depot and Sam's Club.  Home Depot was a quick trip to return the items Jake was going to use to make the window screens (since the professional made them).  We also picked up a few things including a teeny tiny Christmas tree, and even some Christmas lights!

Next, we ate lunch and had our Sam's Club cards made.  Jake signed up at work this past week, and we wanted to compare prices.  Groceries seem to be more expensive on the island, so we're trying to find our best options.  Then, the real shopping began.  It took a long time, and we walked out with a cartful.  Lines were long, but the savings were worth it!

While Jake unloaded the groceries, KC stopped in K Mart to get more hangers.  She thought it was going to be a fast in and out stop, but ended up behind someone who was buying tons of Christmas presents.

Note-able purchases today:  blender (to make smoothies), and hand mixer (to create natural body care products- KC is excited!)

After numerous trips from the car and up two flights of stairs, we were hot, sweaty, and a little crabby.  So, we spent some time in the pool to cool off.   Then, we made dinner and settled in for a movie night.

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