Thursday, December 11, 2014

Coconuts and Coquito

Tuesday morning a man came to measure the windows and doors for screens.  We decided to have him make the screens to save Jake an entire weekend of screen making.  Since the air conditioning was fixed yesterday we have kept it running, because we’re afraid of geckos, or mosquitos finding their way in.  Once the screens are in place, we’ll be able to enjoy the breeze from the ocean! 

When Jake got home from work, we took our first walk on the beach.  It’s amazing to think that the water is so close to us!  We’ve been so busy setting up our new life that we haven’t been able to enjoy much of the water yet. 

Then, we made a quick stop at Sally’s Beauty Supply.  KC’s hair has been eating up the minerals in the water, and we were able to find some clarifying shampoo.  Thank you, Katie- for texting with KC throughout the day to figure out what to do!  The shampoo will help until we can get a showerhead filter.

Next, we went to Jake’s co-worker’s house.  We had a great visit with him, and his wife.  They gave us a tour of their beautiful home, and we met their children.  They live up about 15 minutes away at a higher elevation, and their house has a wonderful breeze.  Gilbert was kind enough to call on Jake’s behalf to inquire about different cars that were listed for sale.   He set up an appointment to check out a car tomorrow. 

A loud thumping interrupted our conversation, and we found out it was a coconut falling from the tree in their front yard!  Coconuts are a little larger than the typical acorns falling from the trees in MN.  So, we were warned not to park our vehicle under a coconut tree.

Also, we had coquito for the first time!  Coquito is an eggnog-like beverage served in Puerto Rico during the Christmas season.  It has coconut milk, condensed milk, rum, and other spices in it.  It was good- we both thought it was better than the traditional eggnog we’d had before. 

We’re both so thankful to Gilbert and his family for treating us so well, and helping to make us feel welcome in Puerto Rico! 

Jake & Gilbert drinking coquito

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