Sunday, December 28, 2014

Hair Fail & Fix

KC was desperate to dye her hair to cover up a few gray hairs that were popping up.  So, we grabbed a box at Walgreens, and Jake took over as the stylist.  (We even used a scissors to cut an inch or two off the length.)

The result left a lot to be desired...  The overall color was a little orange-y.

A quick response from KC's hair stylist in Minnesota suggested a trip to get some blond highlights to tone down the color.  Jake again used google translate to communicate with a stylist recommended from a co-worker.

The salon was tucked behind a building, but we managed to find it.  The stylist was bilingual (which was awesome), and used to live in the states.  We had a good conversation, and he added blond highlights to KC's hair.  Also, he laughed at us for cutting her hair, and asked who cut the back (Jake)...  Then, he evened it out and spent an hour blowdrying and flat ironing.  Here's the end result.

To celebrate the hair fix, we went to one of our favorite places to eat dinner, La Spezie.  Dinner was delicious, we both had our favorites there.  KC doubts her hair will be this straight again until her next hair appointment due to the heat and humidity.  But, is happy to have non-orange hair now.

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