Thursday, December 11, 2014

Necessities, McDonalds and a Dead Iguana

Sunday we went to Walmart to stock up on necessities.  It was a long trip!  We bought two fans, kitchen utensils, a coffee maker, hangers, laundry basket/hanging rack, and many other things.  We felt a little out of place as everyone spoke Spanish...  People say immersion is the fastest way to learn a language, we sure hope they're right!  

Our haul

On the way home from McDonalds an iguana threw itself in front of our car.  We saw one the day before, and knew they were around.  (Fun fact we learned: Iguanas are not indigenous to the island.  People brought them here as pets, and then released them when they grew too large.  Now, they’re all over the island.)  This one wasn’t so lucky.  It ran in between two oncoming cars, and met it's fate when Jake hit it with our Kia... and the guy in a truck two vehicles behind him finished it off.  Interestingly enough, we never found the iguana later that day, so we think it became dinner for someone nearby. 

We had already brought our rental car in for low tire pressure, but throughout the day it continued to get lower.  So, we drove it in, and traded it for a new one.

Next, we drove to Home Depot which was about 40 minutes away.  When we got there we tried to find screens for the windows, and found out our screens were not standard sized.  So, Jake decided he was going to make our screens and picked up all the supplies!  We thought it would be cheaper to make them than have them custom made. 

On the way back, we decided to stop at McDonalds again!  It was a little bit of “normalcy” for us during this big transition.   We got wraps, and McFlurries.   We both have never been to McDonalds twice in one day in the states, but we’ve already accomplished that in Puerto Rico! 

Living out of suitcases

The coffee pot didn't work so well

KC putting together a fan

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