Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Our New Home

On Saturday, we checked out of our hotel room, and drove to sign our lease.  Everything went well, except the air conditioning unit in the kitchen wasn’t working.  We probably should have stayed at the hotel another night, but we were so excited to have a place of our own!  The other wall units worked, but it was a little stuffy in the main living area.  We walked our belongings up three flights of stairs, and moved in. 

Our landlord said she would help us find someone to make screens for our windows and doors to let the breeze in, and install a blackout curtain to keep the sun out of our large west facing windows. 

We’re happy to have a place to call our own for the next year! 

Living room
Dining room
Side room
Master bedroom
Extra bedroom
Jake's "work from home" set-up
Pool view from our balcony

Stairs to the rooftop
View from the rooftop

Water view from the other side of the rooftop
"Jungle" view from the rooftop
First day at our new place!

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